Everything Green9 do is related to positively addressing the challenges created by this continued population rise, set against a backdrop of climate change, sea level rise and a global exhaustion of earths natural resources.
Our way of life is not sustainable. We are threatening our ability to survive on planet Earth through our continued over-harvesting, pollution, continued destruction of animal habitats, and disregard for natures complex interrelationships. A complete change of attitudes and lifestyle habits is urgently required on a global scale. Despite the complexity and overwhelming scale of these threats there is a growing positive will to change, life expectancy is rising, our understanding of the complexities of life at both universal and microbiological scales has never been better. The next wave of development on earth must regenerate our existing infrastructure, and insert new appropriate infrastructures capable of creating smart empowered communities and in turn sustainable cities.
Green9 operates at the outset of ‘intention to develop’, to explore the very best opportunities for the client, project, neighborhood, local and national authorities, and producing a sustainable development framework which maximizes the benefits (Economic, Social and Environmental) to the maximum number of people for the maximum period of time for the minimum cost.
We work at the outset of projects to prepare comprehensive holistic sustainability strategies. Environmental impact assessments, economic impact assessments, transport, pedestrian, retail impact assessments, all available data and above all else consulting all interested parties, directly and indirectly potentially affected by the proposed development. This may necessitate organizing consultation events, and casting the net wider than expected, to maximize potential economic, environmental and social opportunities.
Green9 aim to go beyond the legislative mechanisms of checking for sustainable excellence, and produce holistic Sustainable Development Frameworks, engaging local stakeholders, community groups, and investigating possible educational connections at all ages, from crèche groups, to primary, secondary, university levels through to potential research opportunities.
We work with clients in both the public and private sectors, often working with community groups to establish the feasibility of projects and explore the potential to maximize the benefits to the maximum number of people for the maximum length of time for minimum environmental and financial cost.
While some projects are taken through to realization, some are taken through to obtain full planning permission, and many are developed to establish either a strategy for phased development, or a series of options, and where appropriate, a vision to facilitate consultation events or pursue fundraising campaigns.
Green9 has well-established relationships with leading consultants working on cutting edge technological developments in sustainable design.
When exploring solutions to any given project, irrespective of the scale, context, climate, political or economic constraints: -
The design proposal has to be holistic
The design proposal has to be about people and nature living in harmony
The design proposal has to work
The design proposal has to last
The design proposal has to be viable
The design proposal has to be inspiring and delightful.